PRECISEU: PeRsonalised medicine Empowerment Connecting Innovation ecoSystems across EUrope


The general purpose of PRECISEU is connecting innovation ecosystems across Europe to efficiently advance towards a trulypersonalised healthcare, transferring practices and solutions from region to region and scaling up deep-tech healthcare innovationsbased on advanced therapies medicinal products and health data across Europe.

The PRECISEU consortium is composed of Regional Authorities and innovation players from 9 NUTS 1 and 2 regions, supported byclusters, universities, research centres and infrastructures, NGOs and networks, and engaging regional and European innovators,scientists and entrepreneurs across the EU health innovation space. Also involved as partner in the consortium, one Ukrainian Region, Rivne, represented by the Rivne Medical Cluster, has a relevant role as Ukraine is open for cooperation, innovation and joint projects for reconstruction. The European continent faces a set of challenges in terms of the swift and effective implementation of medical care, which were brought sharply into focus during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare remains a concurrent gap between innovation leaders and emerging and moderate innovators (classification according to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard, RIS), which impacts all spheres (economics, social and living standards), and which requires significant expertise and knowledge as well as expansive collaborationbetween innovation networks and all stakeholders and communities across Europe. PRECISEU is aware that taking next steps in the development and organisation of PM is a key issue for Europe, and that more coordination efforts between key Europeans takeholders is necessary to foster its implementation. By focusing on health data and advanced therapies as key drivers of personalized medicine models, PRECISEU will not only provide regional ecosystems with European connectivity but will most importantly address the significant and urgent needs of the regions. 
