
Showing 321 - 330 results of 404

A Roadmap to the realization of fusion energy was adopted by the EFDA system at the end of 2012. The roadmap aims at achieving all the necessary know-how to start the construction of a demonstration power plant (DEMO) by 2030, in order to reach the goal of fusion electricity in the grid by 2050. The roadmap has been articulated in eight different Missions.

El projecte El Català i la IA (ECIA) té com objectiu generar els recursos lingüístics necessaris per al català, que permetin i facilitin desenvolupar aplicacions en llenguatge natural com chat bots, traductors automàtics, aplicacions d'extracció d'informació o resum automàtics. La...

Compute- and data-driven research encompasses a broad spectrum of disciplines and is the key to Europe s global success in various scientificand economic fields. The massive amount of data produced by such technologies demands novel methods to post-process, analyze, and to reveal valuable mechanisms. The development of artificial intelligence (AI) methods is rapidly...

Key words: Digital Language Equality, Technology Roadmap, Language Technology, Multilingualism, Language-Centric AIAbstract: Twenty-four official languages and more than 60 regional and minority languages constitute the fabric of the EU s linguisticlandscape. However, language barriers still hamper communication and the free flow of information across the EU.Multilingualism...

La actuación PROMOTHE tiene como objetivo final consolidar el liderazgo científico internacional del BSC-CNS a través de su participaciónen el nuevo Programa Marco Horizonte Europa, el principal instrumento de financiación de actividades de investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación en Europa. Para ello, el...

The Data Infrastructure Capacities for EOSC (DICE) consortium brings together a network of computing and data centres, research infrastructures, and data repositories for the purpose to enable a European storage and data management infrastructure for EOSC, providing generic services and building blocks to store, find, access and process data in aconsistent and persistent...

For Artificial Intelligence (AI) to become fully pervasive it needs resources at the edge of the network. The cloud can provide the processing power needed for big data, but edge computing is located close to where data are produced and is therefore crucial to their timely, flexible, and secure management.

AI-SPRINT will define a framework for...

High-Performance Computing (HPC), used to be promoted mainly by the big science and defence communities. However, with the recent advent of AI and IoT, wider use of HPC is bringing new benefits to areas such as industry, healthcare and the economy. All regions now see intense investments in HPC as an essential in order to compete globally. In this context, coordination and...

IntelComp sets out to build an innovative Cloud Platform that will offer Artificial Intelligence based services to public administrators and policy makers across Europe for data- and evidence-driven policy design and implementation in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy. Large STI datasets are processed on a High Performance Computing (HPC)...


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already part of our lives and is extensively entering the space sector to offer value-added Earth Observation (EO) products and services. Copernicus data and other georeferenced data sources are often highly heterogeneous, distributed, and semantically fragmented. Large...
