The PPHA group focuses on the research of SW and HW solutions for the development, deployment and efficient execution of parallel and heterogeneous computing systems required to process huge amounts of data across the compute continuum, addressing edge, cloud and HPC. The group addresses the complete system stack: (1) HW solutions, by researching on highly parallel and energy...
The research group aims at performing research on hierarchical task-based parallel programming models to better exploit the current heterogeneous structure of High Performance Computing (HPC) systems and of large distributed computing systems. The approach considers an integrative approach of the programming model with a unified storage platform that will aggregate the...
The main research line of ACAP group is in High Performance Computer Architecture, starting from hardware and streching into software. Recently, our principal activity is related to the European Processor Initiative, with the aim to design and manufacture a European HPC processor fully designed in Europe.
Our group is developing the vector processor...
L'HPAI treballa en la intersecció de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) i la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC). El grup es centra tant en l'ús d'eines HPC per empoderar la IA, com en l'ús de la IA per millorar els processos HPC. L'HPAI ha acumulat experiència en l'anàlisi de imatge mèdica, i compta amb varis...
This group carries out activities related to performance analysis, simulation, emulation, and development of new libraries for emerging architectures. The group develops tools and models to monitor the use of resources and measure the performance in parallel and distributed HPC applications. These performance analysis tools provide detailed analysis capabilities to make it...
Our team explores the programming approaches for homogeneous and heterogeneous architectures, including the use of accelerators and distributed clusters. We propose the OmpSs programming model, a task-based approach. OmpSs seeks to improve programmability of applications in such environments, without sacrificing performance. We actively participate in the OpenMP standard...
The Atmospheric Composition group (AC) of the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona SupercomputingCenter(BSC) aims at better...
This group is recently formed and organized in two teams, driven by leading experts in the fields of accelerator and memories for high-performance computing. Since 2017, the group members have publised 40+ peer-reviewed indexed articles, and have gained a Juan de la Cierva Felloswhip, a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, a Ramón y Cajal currently in place,...