AQ-WATCH: Air Quality: Worldwide Analysis and Forecasting of Atmospheric Composition for Health


AQ-WATCH will develop a supply chain leading to the generation of seven downstream products and services that are innovative for improving air quality forecasts and attribution. These prototypes will be based on existing space and in situ observations of air quality and tailored to the identified needs of international users. The project will allow for the first time small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to integrate a very large number of datasets associated with earth s observations with advanced predictive models. These innovative products and services are aimed at improving public health and optimizing service provided by the energy sector in different regions of the world. The consortium supporting the project includes knowledge institutes, applied science organizations and business-oriented partners, and covers the required expertise to define the optimal functionalities of the products and services, and bring them to the market. The project will create opportunities for new environmental technologies. It will also upscale the portfolio of SMEs and reinforce their ethical and social responsibility in support of the world-wide effort to improve air quality.
