ACTRIS-ERIC: Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS) is set up as a European Research Infrastructure


The mission of the ACTRIS Data Centre is to compile, archive and provide access to well documented and traceable ACTRIS measurement data and data products, including digital tools for data quality control, analysis, visualisation, and research.

As a tool for science, the highest priorities for the ACTRIS DC are to maintain and increase the availability of ACTRIS data and data products relevant to climate and air quality research for all interested users.

What the ACTRIS Data Centre offers

The ACTRIS Data Centre provides scientists and other user groups with free and open access to all ACTRIS data, including access to mature data products produced within ACTRIS, and complementary observational data from other associated frameworks (as GAW, EMEP, EARLINET, CLOUDNET , NDACC) and relevant research projects.

Variables & measurement techniques

More than 135 different atmospheric variables are measured within ACTRIS. The measurements are done with 25 different methodologies with time resolution ranging from seconds to 1 week. The ACTRIS data management plan includes a list with all ACTRIS atmospheric variables and describes the data, data products, and how data are made available.

ACTRIS measurements comply with well-described measurement guidelines and standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Comparable data from different observational platforms and sites are crucial for the detection of trends or slight variations in chemical composition of the atmosphere. In many cases, decades of time series are required to assess these changes with a certain degree of confidence. Many of ACTRIS' SOPs are implemented in other frameworks, on both European (EMEP, EARLINET) and international (GAW) scale.
