The Coordination team of the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) at BSC looks after the activities of the INB groups across Spain as well as their participation in the ELIXIR projects, activities and communities. The team has also established and led TransBioNet, a network of bioinformatics groups at Health Research Institutions of Spain. In the context of TransNioNext, the Coordination team works to increase the translational impact of the INB in the Spanish National Health System by articulating interactions and collaborations between groups at clinical settings with others at research environments, fostering the adoption of best-practices and protocols, and the adoption of the latest analytical technologies. The Coordination team also leads technological works around security solutions and the use of software containers for diverse purposes.
In the context of European Projects, the INB Coordination team at BSC leads the ELIXIR benchmarking platform which aims to establish a knowledge hub where ends-users, software developers, scientific communities and funding agencies can gather information about the technical and scientific performance of bioinformatics resources including analytical workflows. Moreover, this team participates actively at the RD-Connect project leading the security developments of the genomics platform as well as the activitires regarding the RNASeq analysis pipelines and how to integrate those results with genomics data for a better understanding of the genetic bases of rare-diseases.