The HPC-Europa3 project provides funding for researchers working on computational science to visit HPC centres and/or scientific hosts in Europe to foster new scientific collaborations. Visitors are funded for travel, accommodation and subsistence during their stay (between 3 and 13 weeks), and they are provided with an amount of computing time suitable for the approved project. In addition, they receive scientific and technical mentoring from the host.
Calls for applications are issued 4 times per year and published online on the HPC-Europa3 website.
The eleventh call for applications has just closed. The next closing date will be on 17th September 2020 (23:59 CEST).
The objectives of the HPC-Europa3 project are:
- Provide access to 9 European HPC centres, via a single application and an international peer-review process, free of charge and with minimal administrative overhead;
- Mentor in the usage of the most advanced HPC facilities;
- Facilitate new scientific collaboration to be formed within an extremely wide network of scientific host labs in all the computational sciences domains;
- Increase synergy and collaboration with other HPC initiatives;
- Identify a long-term sustainability roadmap to facilitate future access to HPC resources.
This project HPC-Europa3 is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme; for more information, download the leaflet of the project.