BSC AI4Science Fellowships (AI4S)

The BSC AI4Science Fellowships (AI4S) is a talent attraction and retention program aimed at the convergence of HPC and AI, as well as the creation and consolidation of research lines within the departments of the BSC-CNS: Computer Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Computer Applications in Science and Engineering - CASE, leveraging the computational capabilities of MareNostrum 5.
This initiative is part of the talent attraction and retention programs within investment 4 of component 19 of the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan, C005/24-ED CV1.


The AI4S aims to strengthen existing research lines (Departments of CS, LS, ES, and CASE), and promote the AI Institute, as described in the Program's objectives. To this end, the BSC aims to attract or retain 158 fellows who will be employed full-time for the four years of the program.

Through this program, the BSC-CNS will offer 158 four-year fellowships to highly qualified scientific and research personnel, providing them with all the necessary tools to develop their potential, deepen their skills and knowledge in a stimulating, international, and interdisciplinary environment. Fellows will also have access to a wide range of courses, in collaboration with various units of the center, to facilitate high-quality research and the acquisition of technical, personal, leadership, communication, and team management skills.

BSC AI4Science Fellows will undertake an estimated workload of 240 ECTS over the full duration of their fellowship. Progress will be assessed using key indicators, including conference attendance and presentations, scientific publications, project involvement, proposal writing, doctoral theses, team management, intellectual property creation, technology transfer, funding acquisition, research stays at other institutions, and participation in dissemination and open science activities. The program combines scientific and technical training tailored to each fellow’s profile with transversal training to develop essential skills for multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral environments, all based on the learning by doing approach.

  • Remuneration: Remuneration will be established according to the program's salary tables and specified transparently in each published vacancy.
  • Additional Expenses Grant: Each fellowship will be associated with a grant for additional expenses, such as IT equipment, travel, training, stays, etc.
  • Work Schedule: Full-time (37.5 hours per week). Part-time positions will not be considered.
  • Contract: 4 years.
  • Start Date: Due to the nature of the BSC AI 4 Science Fellowships (AI4S), all successful candidates must be incorporated before 31/12/2024.


AI4S Vacancies

Open Vacancies:

Disclaimer: The vacancies will remain open until the indicated deadline. If you are unable to access the link for a vacancy, it is possible that we are no longer accepting applications for that position.

Computer Sciences:

Life Sciences:


Earth Sciences:

CASE - Computer Applications in Science & Engineering:


Director's office:




Closed vacancies:

Computer Sciences:


Life Sciences:


Earth Sciences:

CASE - Computer Applications in Science & Engineering:


Director's office:


Recruitment process

All applications must be submitted through the BSC website and include:

  • A complete CV in English, including contact details.
  • A cover/motivation letter with a statement of interest in English, clearly specifying the area and specific topics the applicant wishes to be considered for. Two contacts for additional references must also be included. Applications without this document will not be considered.

The selection will be carried out through a competitive examination system. The selection process consists of two phases:

  1. Curriculum Analysis: Evaluation of previous experience and/or scientific history, degree, training, and other professional information relevant to the position. - 40 points.
  2. Interview Phase: The best-rated candidates at the curriculum level will be invited to the interview phase, conducted by the corresponding department and Human Resources. This phase will assess the technical skills, knowledge, professional experience related to the position, as well as the personal competencies required. - 60 points. A minimum of 30 out of 60 points must be obtained to be eligible for the position.

Each selection process includes a recruitment panel. This panel will consist of at least three people, ensuring a representation of women of 1/3, or at least 25% of the panel members.

In accordance with OTM-R principles, a gender-balanced hiring panel is formed for each vacancy at the beginning of the process. After reviewing the application contents, the panel will begin interviews, with at least one technical interview and one competency interview. At a minimum, a personality questionnaire and a technical exercise will be conducted during the process.

The panel will make a final decision, and all candidates who participated in the interview phase will receive feedback detailing the acceptance or rejection of their profile.

Due to the nature of the BSC AI 4 Science Fellowships (AI4S), all successful candidates must be incorporated before 31/12/2024.