
Showing 81 - 90 of 196
  • 26 Sep 2015

    Severo Ochoa Research Seminar Lectures at BSC

    Location: All the lectures are held in the BarcelonaTech campus. For specific details on the individual lectures, please see the agenda above and look for the right building in the map below.        
    2015-09-26 09:00:00 2015-09-26 09:00:00 Europe/Madrid Severo Ochoa Research Seminar Lectures at BSC For details, click on the following event link: All the lectures are held in the BarcelonaTech campus. For specific details on the individual lectures, please see the agenda above and look for the right building in the map below.        
  • 2015-09-18 10:30:00 Europe/Madrid SO MIRI scholarship Awardees 2015 For details, click on the following event link: ---
  • 14 Sep 2015


    Location: UPC
    2015-09-14 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid ECSI-FDL For details, click on the following event link: UPC
  • 10 Aug 2015

    1st High Performance Graph Mining workshop

    Location: Hilton, Sydney
    2015-08-10 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 1st High Performance Graph Mining workshop For details, click on the following event link: Hilton, Sydney
  • 16 Jul 2015
    2015-07-16 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid ISC15 workshop: Is Europe ready for Exascale? For details, click on the following event link: Flyer
  • 12 Jul 2015

    ISC High Performance

    Location: Frankfurt
    2015-07-12 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid ISC High Performance For details, click on the following event link: Frankfurt
  • 11 Jul 2015

    PUMPS Summer 2016

    Location: UPC Campus
    2015-07-11 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid PUMPS Summer 2016 For details, click on the following event link: UPC Campus
  • 10 Jul 2015

    Energy Efficient Computing Systems

    Location: Sala Gran, Torre Girona
    2015-07-10 08:00:00 Europe/Madrid Energy Efficient Computing Systems For details, click on the following event link: Sala Gran, Torre Girona
  • Register 2015-07-07 00:00:00 2015-07-07 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid 15th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2015). Lund, Sweden. 7th July. For details, click on the following event link: ---

    The 15th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution time Analysis (WCET 2015) is a satellite workshop of the 27th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2015) , the premier European venue for presenting research into the broad area of real-time and embedded systems.

  • 04 Jul 2015
    2015-07-04 00:00:00 Europe/Madrid Integrative modelling of biomolecular interactions For details, click on the following event link: UPC Campus
