To provide an overview about quantum computing and their applications, as well as a description and short hands-on tutorial about the quantum computer systems at the BSC.
In the first part of this workshop we will review the basic concepts of quantum computing: how do quantum computers work, what are the most promising applications and what is the state of the art in this field. We will also explain the geopolitical situation around quantum technologies and which strategic projects exist regarding this field, including those where BSC is involved. In the second part of this workshop, we will review the quantum computers installed at the BSC, how they work and how are they programmed. We will have a short hands-on tutorial about how to program and send jobs to the quantum computers.
- Alba Cervera Lierta (Senior Researcher, CASE - Quantic)
- Javier Bartolomé (Operations - System Administration)
- Raúl Fuentes (Operations - User Support)