An international competition evaluates artificial intelligence tools to help in the diagnosis of cancer cases
Alfonso Valencia has been named as the IMI scientific committee vice-chair, which is the European association aimed at speeding up the development of better and safer medicines
PerMedCoE: Exascale-ready cell-level simulations for European Personalised Medicine
The new Catalan Minister of Business and Knowledge highlights "the strategic role" of BSC in his visit to the centre
BSC and the Barcelona City Council expand their collaboration to develop projects in the fields of science, technology and innovation
BSC and EmbeDL AB transfer LEGaTO-developed techniques to industry
BSC works on geothermal energy innovation in the cross-border region between Spain and France
The Hospital Clínic and BSC will use Artificial Intelligence to predict the evolution of patients with COVID-19
Improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine
Minister Reyes Maroto visits the Barcelona Supercomputing Center