Best paper Award at SC20 for the research in which BSC researcher Simón García de Gonzalo participates
BSC releases OmpSs-2 version 2020.11
Mateo Valero wins the Outstanding Leadership in HPC award in HPCwire Readers' Choice Awards
BSC releases COMPSs version 2.8 and dislib version 0.6.0
FC Barcelona and BSC complete the first phase of the IoTwins project for an Intelligent management of visitors’ movements at the club's facilities
CoEC targets breakthroughs in combustion through Exascale computing
BSC experts design a system to alert users to the effects of AI-based applications in a quick and understandable way
Timeline of early eukaryotic evolution unveiled
Cutting-edge technologies developed at BSC have allowed the creation of 10 new companies in five years
The Catalan Minister Meritxell Budó visits BSC