Marisol Monterrubio Velasco

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2001 - 2005 | Bachelor's Degree in Physics. Bachelor's Thesis: "Fractal study of Quintana Roo caves".  Sciences Faculty, National Autonomous University of Mexico

2007 - 2008 | Physics master. Computational and Applied Physics research program by  niversitat Politècnica de Catalunya

2009 - 2013 | PhD Physics. PhD Thesis: "Statistical analysis and fractal behavior of Southern California aftershocks"

2014 - 2016 | Postdoctoral.   Center for Geosciences UNAM. Group of Statistical Seismology, Juriquilla Mexico

2016 - 2021  | Postdoctoral.  Barcelona Supercomputing center
​ 2016 Accepted as candidate in the Mexican National System of Researchers (SNI) 


Earthquake simulation by using the Fiber Bundle model

Abstract:  The statistical behavior of quakes is described by some mathematical empirical relations. In seismology this relations describes seismic emergent properties in size, time, space domains. A model widely used to describe and simulate complex rupture processes is known as the Fiber Bundle Model (FBM). It is a cellular-automaton model based on the interactions of individual cells, with particular transfer load rules and a probability distribution function describing the intrinsic cells properties. Its simplicity offers many advantages and an adaptability to describe a wide range of phenomena. We are developing a modified version of FBM to simulate statistical features of quakes in space, time and magnitude. In this sense we will use high-performance computing (HPC) to improve the simulations in a reduced period, and machine learning (ML) as analysis tool to analyze the model parameters and also to compare synthetic seismic catalogues with reals.