Joan Llort

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Dr. Joan Llort is a biogeochemical oceanographer dedicated to understand the links between the blue ocean (temperature, salinity, density, currents) and the green ocean (plankton, organic matter, bacteria, fish). To this aim he combines biogeochemical models with observations obtained with satellites, autonomous floats (BGC-Argo) and ship-based in-situ observations. Joan has shaped a strong interdisciplinary background by participating in several long duration sea-cruises (KEOPS2 and EDDY), working in high-performance computing environments and developing a wide international network with collaborators from different disciplines. Amongst his research highlights, he provided a new theoretical framework to explain high-latitude phytoplankton blooms, he developed a detection method to observe small-scale carbon vertical injections using autonomous floats and he co-lead a study published in Nature that demonstrated the role of widlfire ash on phytoplankton fertilisation. 

He is currently interested on understanding on the drivers of marine primary production variability, including the influence of dust and wildfires aerosols on phytoplankton growth and carbon export. He also strongly involved in ArtScience collaborations, he has worked with renowned artists such Sofia Crespo, Entangled Others and Tarta Relena and participated at festivals like SONAR, Eufonic, Kosmopolis-CCCB or PUBLICA24.


Joan holds a BSc on Fundamental Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) and a PhD in Marine Biogeochemistry delivered by the Sorbonne Université (Paris, France), under the supervision of Dr. Marina Lévy. He has worked as a Research Fellow in LOCEAN-IPSL laboratory (Paris, France) and at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania (Hobart, Australia). He has enjoyed research stays in the British Antarctic Survey (Cambridge, UK), at Southern Ocean Carbon & Climate Observatory (Capetown, South-Africa) and at the State Key Laboratory of Marine Science (Xiamen, China)


Marine biogeochemistry, Phytoplankton, Biological carbon pump, Aerosols (Dust and wildfires), Southern Ocean, BGC-Argo floats, ArtScience



  • Chair of the Early Career Scientist and member of the Scientific Steering Committe of SOLAS, 2022-2025
  • Member of the scientific committee of the Joint Exploration of the Twilight Zone Ocean Network (JETZON), 2020-2022
  • Adjunct Associate at the University of Tasmania, Australia, 2019-2022