Salvador Lima Lopez

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Salvador Lima-Lopez is a Text Mining Research Engineer and computational linguist in the NLP for Biomedical Information Analysis Research Group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain). His expertise lies in various areas, including information extraction, entity normalization, text de-identification and anonymization and data annotation and analysis, always with a strong focus on the biomedical and clinical domain.

Salvador holds a Bachelor's Degree in Modern Languages, Culture and Communication from Madrid's Universidad Autónoma (UAM) and a MSc in Language Analysis and Processing from the Basque Country's university (UPV-EHU). He started working at the BSC under the supervision of Martin Krallinger in 2020. His activities in the group include, amongst others, the generation of Gold Standard datasets (which involve data modeling, schema definition, document selection and managing annotator teams), organization of shared-tasks and the adaptation of NLP systems and resources to medical environments (knowledge transfer, working jointly with clinicians).

Salvador has played a key role in co-organizing several shared tasks such as DisTEMIST, LivingNER, SocialDisNER or MEDDOPLACE at renowned international conferences and workshops such as COLING, NAACL and CLEF. He is also involved in multiple European research projects such as DataTools4Heart, AI4Heart or BioMatDB.