Jesus Labarta Mancho

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The key element to ensure efficient use of HPC infrastructures is to optimize the performance and efficiency of the applications.The Centre of Excellence on Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP CoE, was initiated in October 2015with the fundamental purpose of assisting a broad community of HPC application developers and users in both science and...

With top systems reaching the PFlop barrier, the next challenge is to understand how applications have to be implemented and be prepared for the ExaFlop target. Multicore chips are already here but will grow in the next decade to several hundreds of cores. Hundreds of thousands of nodes based on them will constitute the future exascale systems.


Life Science developed into one of the largest e-Infrastructure users in Europe, in part due to the ever-growing amount of biological data. At the time of the project, modern drug design typically included both sequence bioinformatics, in silico virtual screening, and free energy calculations, e.g. of drug binding. This development has accelerated tremendously, and has put...

DEEP developed a novel, Exascale-enabling supercomputing platform along with the optimisation of a set of grand-challenge codes simulating applications highly relevant for Europe's science, industry and society.

The DEEP System realised a Cluster Booster Architecture that can cope with the limitations purported by Amdahl's Law. It served as...