MaxCompiler Workshop

Date: 24/Feb/2016 Time: 09:45 - 25/Feb/2016 Time: 17:30

Place: The course will take place in
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre,
within the UPC Campus Nord premises.
Room: Aula formación in Nexus II, ground floor

Target group: Internal BSC training

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Maxeler solutions exploit dataflow computing – a revolutionary way of performing computation, completely different to computing with conventional CPUs.
The workshop will introduce Maxeler technology with hands-on practicals.

This  is a BSC training event.

Please bring a laptop! Any of the following OS will suffice: Linux, MAC and/or MS Windows.

Speaker: Georgi Gaydadjiev

Contact Us:

education [at] bsc [dot] es (CONTACT US) for further details about MSc, PhD, Post Doc studies, exchanges and collaboration in education and training with BSC.