Advanced CFD and Turbulence Modelling targeting HPC: Code_Saturne Training Course

Date: 03/Oct/2018 Time: 09:30 - 05/Oct/2018 Time: 12:30

Campus Nord, Vertex Building, Aula VS211

Primary tabs

Wednesday 3th of October 2018:
-09:30-10:00 Registration
-10:00-10:30 Introduction and welcome
-10:30-11:00 Introduction to Code_Saturne
-11:00-11:20 Coffee break
-11:20-13:00 Hands-on tutorial: Laminar tube bundles using the GUI
-13:00-14:00 Lunch
-14:00-15:00 HPC presentation and introduction to Marenostrum
-15:00-17:00 Hands-on tutorial: LES tube bundles + GUI
Dinner at 19:30 - Details to be confirmed

Thursday 4th of October 2018:
-09:00-10:00 Presentation: Turbulence modelling and LES
-10:00-10:30 Postprocessing of LES results
-10:30-11:00 Coffee break
-11:00-11:30 Use of subroutines in Code_Saturne
-11:30-13:00 Hands-on tutorial: LES with user subroutines
-13:00-14:00 Lunch
-14:00-14:30 Introduction to turbomachinery including some code-code coupling
-14:30-17:00 Hands-on tutorial: pump – joining vs coupling algorithms
Dinner at 19:30 - Details to be confirmed

Friday 5th of October 2018:
-09:00-10:30 Postprocessing pump results
-10:30-11:00 Coffee break
-11:00-12:00 Hands-on tutorial: Effect of partitioning + (MPI vs MPI+OpenMP) and scalability of
the code
-12:00-13:00 Lunch - End of the workshop