Francisco J Doblas Reyes

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The EU-funded CausalBoost project will apply an innovative method to improve S2S forecasts of MED rainfall. The approach relies on a combination of innovative causal discovery algorithms from machine learning with operational forecast models. The project will identify central S2S drivers of MED rainfall, systematically assess them with prediction models and produce process-based bias...

This contract will aim at carrying out the European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA). The primary policy purposes of EUCRA are:" to support the identification of adaptation-related policy priorities for the next European Commission (to be nominated in 2024)," to support the prioritization of adaptation-related investments for the following multi-annual financial framework...

In the last report of its first working group, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that there is still much unknown about regional climate change. Even over a number of very large regions, seventy years of warming does not seem enough to assess if three has been a change in hydrological extremes (floods and droughts). Given that the global climate...

The GLObal digital twin for RegIonal and local climate Adaptation (GLORIA) proposal is motivated by three challenges identified in the last few years that affect climate modelling for adaptation and mitigation:

1) climate simulations are increasingly demanded but are expensive experiments in terms of computing resources, data storage and human...
