In compliance with Law 25/2013, of December 27, applicable to all Public Administrations and entities linked to the public sector, in order to promote the electronic invoicing system and to contribute to a better accounting of pending invoices, access to the FACe platform will be facilitated so that invoices can be issued electronically to suppliers to help monitor public spending and enhance transparency.
All the entities that supply the Consortium by providing goods or rendering services can access the FACe platform to send and monitor their invoices. FACe is the State’s General Administration’s main point of entry to its electronic invoicing platform.
The creation and issuance of invoices in electronic form through the main point of entry on this platform is mandatory for amounts exceeding 5,000 euros. You can find information on the procedure and use of the online system through the FACe platform access link: ( )
The relevant codes for BSC's profile on FACe are:
- Accounting office: EA0008330
- Managing body: EA0008330
- Department to receive or process the invoice: EA0008330
Through this platform you can access details of the central departments and online services of the Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas (government ministry responsible for tax revenue and public administration).
If you need advice or guidance, please contact our finance department: electronicinvoice [at] bsc [dot] es