Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB)/ELIXIR-ES, Computational team

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Life Science research has become increasingly digital, and this development is accelerating rapidly. Biomolecular modelling techniques such as homology modelling, docking, and molecular simulation have advanced tremendouslydue to world-leading European research, resulting in extreme demands for better computational performance and throughput as these tools are used in applied...

Food and energy security are major challenges facing humanity in the coming decades. The falling costs of nucleotide sequencing are opening up significant opportunities for crop improvement through plant breeding and increased understanding of plant biology; in particular through interpreting the growing volume of plant genomics data in the context of phenotype. However, at...

In the midst of a climatic change scenario, the genetics of adaptive response in conifers becomes essential to ensure a sustainable management of genetic resources and an effective breeding. Conifers are the target of major tree breeding efforts worldwide. Advances in molecular technologies, such as next-generation DNA sequencing technologies, could have an enormous impact on...

Un dels grans reptes de la indústria farmacèutica és la medicina personalitzada. Difícilment una sola molècula esdevindrà un tractament farmacològic amb èxit per a tota la població mundial donada la gran variabilitat genètica natural en la població. Actualment l’elevat índex de...
