Fernando Cucchietti

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Through an innovative and systematic approach to the understanding and use of traditional EU recipes via digital and AI-powered technology, RELISH embarks in the production of a visual and verbal food storytelling web platform that aims to mediate social cohesion, reinforce EU cultural heritage transmission at home and abroad through education and public engagement, while...

Este proyecto está orientado a la construcción de un gemelo digital urbano (GDU) basado en tecnologías de la nube y de computación de alto rendimiento. Un GDU es una representación virtual de las componentes de una ciudad, para lo cual se utilizan datos, estadísticas, y aprendizaje automático para hacer modelos digitales que...

The AIR project responds to Europe's aspiration for leadership and reflects the common essence and concern essential to all Europeans, indeed to everything on the planet: the air we breathe. Air is considered an environmental quality, a meeting space and a space for expression: it does not distinguish between countries or social classes. Air means sustainability, an indicator...

In Astrophysics and Cosmology (A&C) today, High Performance Computing (HPC)-based numerical simulations are outstandinginstruments for scientific discovery. They represent essential tools and theoretical laboratories able to investigate, interpret and understand the physical processes behind the observed sky. For these laboratories, the efficient and effective...
