Alberto Gutierrez Torre

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Alberto Gutiérrez Torre received his Engineering degree in Informatics (2014), M. Sc. in Data Science (2017) and PhD in Computer Architectures (2022) at BarcelonaTech-UPC, funded by an FPI-Severo Ochoa grant. His principal research is the use of Machine Learning in distributed systems, focusing on 1) Healthcare systems in imaging and segmentation, restricted by privacy constraints and low-power computing hospital machinery, and 2) on Internet of Things devices for Smart City analytics, focusing on air quality and pollution estimation through Artificial Intelligence in the Edge. His line of research involves data gathering-distribution and refinement towards unreliable data from sensors and imaging, with special emphasis on Federated Learning and Synthetic Data Generation for Healthcare. He has participated on EU-H2020 projects INCISIVE and CALLISTO EU projects (since September 2021) and became local Principal Investigator for both projects in September 2022. He is currently working as local Principal Investigator in the EU-HORIZON project SECURED. He is collaborating with European researchers from Ireland, Italy, Greece and Hungary among others, on methods for secure cooperation and data sharing between healthcare organizations, including data plans and infrastructures. He has previously collaborated with industry, such as CISCO (NC, USA), INTEL (USA) and Databricks (NL), on data analytics on the Edge, and published a EU patent in current exploitation by NearbyComputing (ES).

Also, he has supervised four master theses at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, and he is co-supervising two Ph.D. students working at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. He is in charge of the introductory module of the Big-Data Management and Analytics post-degree at UPC School of Executive, since 2018, also supervisor of groupal master theses.