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news/bsc-news/bsc-wishes-youDate: 17/12/2010Season's greetings and happy new year 2010! Felices Fiestas y Próspero Año 2010! Bones Festes i Feliç Any 2010!Season's greetings and happy new year 2010! Felices Fiestas y Próspero Año 2010! Bones Festes i Feliç Any 2010!
news/bsc-news/successful-fp7-eu-project-merasa-cat...Date: 16/12/2010The FP7 MERASA Project, which started in November 1, 2007 ended on October 31. The main objectives of the project were to design of time‐analysis tools and high‐performance, time‐analyzable multicore architectures for safety‐criticThe FP7 MERASA Project, which started in November 1, 2007 ended on October 31. The main objectives of the project were to design of time‐analysis tools and high‐performance, time‐analyzable multicore architectures for safety‐...
BSC in the Media. Source: El Periódico (Ictineus)Date: 09/12/2010
news/bsc-news/exascale-challenges-computational-bi...Date: 01/12/2010BSC hosts this conference from December 13-15th in Casa Convalescencia, Barcelona. The event aims to bring together top scientists working in bio-supercomputing in order to share and open discussion on the key questions of this field.BSC hosts this conference from December 13-15th in Casa Convalescencia, Barcelona. The event aims to bring together top scientists working in bio-supercomputing in order to share and open discussion on the key questions of this field.
news/bsc-news/exitosa-participaci%C3%B3n-del-bsc-e...Date: 19/11/2010Durante la 23ª edición de la conferencia internacional de supercomputación (SC10), celebrada en Nueva Orleans durante esta semana,el BSC ha participado en la organización de workshops, ponencias, competiciones y exposición.Durante la 23ª edición de la conferencia internacional de supercomputación (SC10), celebrada en Nueva Orleans durante esta semana,el BSC ha participado en la organización de workshops, ponencias, competiciones y exposición.
BSC in the Media. Source: Bioscience TechnologyDate: 17/11/2010
BSC in the Media. Source: HPC WireDate: 17/11/2010
BSC in the Media. Source: SINCDate: 17/11/2010
BSC in the Media. Source: PhysorgDate: 17/11/2010