Distributed Computing BSC Group: CASE Software

PETGEM is an HPC python code for the simulation of electromagnetic fields in real 3D CSEM/MT FM that arise in the geophysics context.


Software Author: 

octavio [dot] castillo [at] bsc [dot] es


BSD License (Version 3.0)

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PETGEM is an HPC code for the scalable solution of 3D CSEM/MT FM on tetrahedral meshes based on the high-order edge finite element method. It is written mostly in Python3 and relies on the scientific Python software stack with heavy use of mpi4py and petsc4py packages for parallel computations. Other scientific Python packages used include: H5py for binary data format support, Numpy for efficient array manipulation and Scipy algorithms. PETGEM allow users the simulation of electromagnetic fields in real 3D CSEM/MT FM on shared-memory/distributed-memory HPC platforms.