Nanos++ RTL

Programming Models Software

Nanos++ is a runtime designed to serve as runtime support in parallel environments. It is mainly used to support  OmpSs, a extension to OpenMP developed at BSC. It also has modules to support  OpenMP 3.1.

Software Author:


Developer activities is centralized in our Nanos++ Trac Page. Should you find a bug or want to make a feature request you can create a new ticket. You can view tickets or create new ones. Please follow our tickets guidelines when reporting new tickets. In Nanos++ developer site you can also found a list of current active tickets.


LGPL License (Version 3.0)

Primary tabs

0.11 (Latest Version)

Support for SMP, CUDA, OpenCL, FPGAs and Clusters

Release Notes

There are a number of software requirements to successfully build Nanos++ from the source code.

Important Additional software is needed if you compile from the git repository. This section details the requirements when building from a tarball (a tar.gz file).
A supported platform running Linux (i386, x86-64, ARM, PowerPC or IA64).

  • GNU C/C++ compiler versions 4.4 or better.


If you want CUDA support:

  • CUDA 5.0 or better.

If you want to enable the cluster support in Nanos++ you will need:

  • GASNet 1.14.2 or better