The Atmospheric Composition group (AC) of the Earth Sciences department of the Barcelona SupercomputingCenter(BSC) aims at better...
MITIGATE (MonIToring and dIagnosinG ozone formATion from spacE) aims to unravel the sensitivity of surface O3 production to NOx and VOC precursors over Spain using the high-resolution TROPOMI sensor. Designed to address the aforementioned issues, the specific objectives of the project are:
- to assess the consistency between...
NextGEMS will develop and apply a new generation of global coupled Storm-Resolving Earth System Models (SR-ESMs) to the study of anthropogenic climate change. SR-ESMs are distinguished by their fine, 3 km, grid in the atmosphere andocean. This allows a more physical representation of atmospheric and oceanic circulation systems, including their coupling to Earth-system...
One of the main drivers for building exascale HPC systems today is the growing need to process extremely large data sets. However, the flat storage hierarchies found in classic HPC architectures no longer satisfy the performance requirements of data-processing applications. Uncoordinated file access in combination with limited bandwidth make the centralised backend parallel...
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