
Showing 1 - 10 results of 17

The EdgeAI-Trust project aims to develop and implement decentralized Edge AI technologies to address key challenges facing Europe'sindustrial and societal sectors, such as energy efficiency, system complexity, and sustainability. By developing trustworthy domain independent collaborative AI architectures and HW/SW edge AI technologies, the project will promote large-scale...

Drastic decrease in transport emissions of 55% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 is required for European cities to reach climate neutrality, which is hindered by inconvenient mobility infrastructure, inadequate services and insufficient governance for short-distance travel, negatively impacting active modes safety and security.REALLOCATE's main objective is to pave the way towards...

CloudStars is an Open Source Research Mobility network in the field of Cloud Computing technology. The proposal combines twelve academic institutions in seven European countries (Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Poland, Switzerland), two academic institutions in third-party countries (Ecuador, Argentina), and three industrial laboratories from IBM (USA,...

A key target of ecological transition towards the zero-pollution vision for 2050 is the prevention and control of pollutants. Transportation is a key source of urban air pollution, being the main responsible of NO2 and PM emissions, with a heavy toll on public health and wellbeing. This pressing need to monitor and reduce traffic-related emissions in urban areas calls for...

The radical transformation of transport systems so they provide sustainable, clean, safe and integrated mobility is a major policy goal at nationaland European level. A major part of this effort aims to provide enhanced mobility experience to all users and improve the efficiency and safety of the transport network. Furthermore, the transport sector has a significant...

New certified designs for aircraft structures are critical for the upcoming changes in the conception of aircraft architectures. Various breakthrough designs and new strategies for better use of material and integration of functions in aircraft are required. They range from regional electrical mobility solutions to increase aspect ratio wings that will bring higher structure...

Advancing education and training in High Performance Computing (HPC) and its applicability to HPDA and AI is essential forstrengthening the world-class European HPC ecosystem. It is of primary importance to ensure the digital transformation and thesustainability of high-priority economic sectors. Missing educated and skilled professionals in HPC/HPDA/AI could prevent...

MITIGATE (MonIToring and dIagnosinG ozone formATion from spacE) aims to unravel the sensitivity of surface O3 production to NOx and VOC precursors over Spain using the high-resolution TROPOMI sensor. Designed to address the aforementioned issues, the specific objectives of the project are:

  • to assess the consistency between...

Air pollution continues to be one of the main issues in urban areas. In the particular case of Barcelona (Spain), chronic NO2 and PM2.5 exceedances are still recorded in urban traffic stations, highlighting the contribution of the road transport sector to population exposure to ambient concentrations. At the same time, several studies have shown that the urban plume of...

The pressure on urban areas is accelerating and the need to provide citizens with quality services in what concernssecurity, emergency, operational management and planning led to municipality decision to invest in the Lisboa Smart Management Platform (LSMP). It is paramount to be able to build the analytical capabilities on top of it and address some of the most...
