
Showing 11 - 20 results of 87

Understanding, predicting, and discovering the properties and performance of materials is key to delivering the technologies that power our economy and allow for the sustainable development of our society. For this reason, materials simulations have become one of the most intensive and fast-growing domains for high-performance computing worldwide, with a recognized European...

For many centuries, scientific discovery relied on performing experiments and the subsequent deduction of new theoretical models.The advent of powerful computers, coupled with new and ever more efficient numerical algorithms, makes it possible to simulate complex systems with increasing realism, and to automatize even model discovery using artificial intelligence (AI)...

Plasma science has been at the forefront of HPC for several decades, driving and, at the same time, benefiting greatly from innovative hardware and software developments. The overall goal of Plasma-PEPSC is to take this development to the next level, enabling scientific breakthroughs in plasma science Grand Challenges through exascale computing and extreme-scale data...

Vitamin-V aims to develop a complete RISC-V open-source software stack for cloud services with iso-performance to its clouddominantx86 counterpart and a powerful virtual execution environment for software development, validation, verification, and test that considers the relevant RISC-V ISA extensions for cloud deployment. Specifically, commercial cloud systems make use of...

Building on the EPI and EUPilot project outcomes, RISER will develop the first all-European RISC-V cloud server infrastructure, significantly enhancing Europe's genuine strategic autonomy. RISER will leverage and validate open hardware high-speed interfaces combined with a fully-featured operating system environment and runtime system, enabling the integration of low-power...

The growing need to transfer massive amounts of data among multitudes of interconnected devices for e.g., self-driving vehicles, IoTor industry 4.0 has led to a quest towards low-power and secure approaches to locally processing data. Neuromorphic computing, a brain-inspired approach, addresses this need by radically changing the processing of information. Although...

Esta actuación tiene como objetivo principal realizar los desarrollos necesarios que permitan diseñar prototipos de nuevas generaciones de procesadores y aceleradores basados en los diseños actuales de EPI. Estos desarrollos permitirán que su siguiente evolución posterior pueda fabricarse usando tecnologías que acerquen sus...

En este proyecto pretendemos utilizar el conocimiento desarrollado en BSC referente a procesadores multinúcleo basados en el juego deinstrucciones abierto RISC-V y sistemas hardware de gestión de tareas con dependencias para integrar un sistema multinúcleo deprocesadores fuera de orden capaz de adaptarse por hardware a las características de la...

Deep learning (DL) is widely used to solve classification problems previously unchallenged, such as face recognition, and presents clear use cases for privacy requirements. Homomorphic encryption (HE) enables operations upon encrypted data, at the expense of vast data size increase. RAM sizes currently limit the use of HE on DL to severely reduced use cases. Recently emerged...

Europe is implementing an AI strategy that seeks to create a research environment characterised by scientific excellence and that is consistent with the fundamental ethical values of its citizens. Part of this strategy foresees the consolidation of ongoing research activities through the creation and maintenance of an AI on-demand Platform that will act as a community...
