
Showing 21 - 30 results of 61

The goal of this project is to extend the temporal coverage of the CAMS-REG_ERF-COVID19 dataset developed under the CAMS_COP066 contract, from 01/08/2020 to 31/12/2020, and to include the effect of the second wave and the associated new round of lockdowns across the different European countries during the year 2020. The extension of the dataset will allow to estimate the...

A climate resilient society requires reliable monitoring and forecasting information of the climate trends, patterns anddisturbances, both at global and regional scales. Through CONsistent representation of temporal variations of boundary Forcings in reanalysES and Seasonal forecasts, CONFESS will contribute to the emerging societal need for an enhanced Copernicus Climate...

The objective of this research activity is to create a reliable computing node that will create a Cognitive Edge under industry standards. This computing node will be the building block of scalable Internet of Things (from Low Computing to High Computing Edge Nodes). The cognitive skill will be given by an internal and external architecture that allows to forecast its...

The objective of this research activity is to create a reliable computing node that will create a Cognitive Edge under industry standards. This computing node will be the building block of scalable Internet of Things (from Low Computing to High Computing Edge Nodes). The cognitive skill will be given by an internal and external architecture that allows to forecast its...

The central objective of FOCUS-Africa is to develop sustainable tailored climate services in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region for four sectors:

  • agriculture and food security
  • water
  • energy
  • infrastructure

The proposed co-production amongst end-users, climate scientists and sectoral service providers will ensure...

The EU-funded CausalBoost project will apply an innovative method to improve S2S forecasts of MED rainfall. The approach relies on a combination of innovative causal discovery algorithms from machine learning with operational forecast models. The project will identify central S2S drivers of MED rainfall, systematically assess them with prediction models and produce process-based bias...

The proposed project will deliver development plans, guidelines, working examples and tools for the continuous upgrade of the CAMS regional service. This will encompass

  • a in depth assessment of the CAMS regional forecasts and a prioritized list of proposed model developments,
  • best practices for coupling forecasts to...

AQ-WATCH will develop a supply chain leading to the generation of seven downstream products and services that are innovative for improving air quality forecasts and attribution. These prototypes will be based on existing space and in situ observations of air quality and tailored to the identified needs of international users. The project will allow for the first time small...

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has a critical role to ensure that the service meets the needs of a range of users for high-quality data and information on near- to medium- to long-term climate change. The ITT that this proposal addresses asks for recommendations on robust definition and adoption of methods for post-processing of forecast data and case studies to...

Climate change communication to the public sphere is crucial to raise awareness and motivate climateaction. Yet, balanced climate narratives are difficult. The challenge lies in the complexity of the topic itself, usually oscillating between robust evidence-based messages with low impact and emotionallypowerfulbut hyped stories. This offer proposes an application that...
