
Showing 151 - 160 results of 628

A key target of ecological transition towards the zero-pollution vision for 2050 is the prevention and control of pollutants. Transportation is a key source of urban air pollution, being the main responsible of NO2 and PM emissions, with a heavy toll on public health and wellbeing. This pressing need to monitor and reduce traffic-related emissions in urban areas calls for...

El nuevo milenio impulsó la digitalización de las historias clínicas para la transición digital de la salud en España. Este proceso generó grandes repositorios de datos en hospitales, centros de salud regionales y bases de datos nacionales. Si bien los datos estructurados (p.ej. resultados de laboratorio, códigos de... investigará nuevos métodos para extender, reutilizar y adaptar de forma computacionalmente eficiente los modelos de lenguaje preentrenados existentes con el fin de explotarlos en nuevos dominios, géneros y lenguas, así como aplicarlos a diferentes casos de uso, como el dominio biomédico, la traducción automática o la...

El objetivo de OxyLipids es producir compuestos bio-basados, para sustituir compuestos derivados del petróleo a partir de la oxigenación selectiva de lípidos vegetales utilizando peroxigenasas diseñadas computacionalmente. OxyLipids pretende así contribuir tanto a los objetivos de la transición verde como de la transición...

The main objective of our project, KOIOS, is to develop new AI-based methods that are trustworthy (under human control and explainable), robust (resilient to attacks) and frugal in the use of resources (data, computing capabilities, energy,& ) addressing tasks in a more efficient manner than the current state-of-the-art ML/DL methods while...

Los objetivos generales de este Proyecto consisten en:

1) Establecer un circuito operativo para una Medicina Personalizada (MP) genómica en pacientes con neoplasias linfoides que apoye la toma de decisiones en la atención a estos enfermos en el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS);

2) Determinar el valor del...

The Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI) project brings together national agencies, research organisations, and technology providers in 22 countries to provide a cross-border federated network of national genome collections, associated with other relevant data, for advancing data-driven biomedical research and personalised medicine solutions to benefit citizens of...

IMPETUS4CHANGE (I4C) will make significant scientific advances that will enhance our collective ability to act on and adapt to near-term climate change. The overarching objective of I4C is to improve the quality, accessibility and usability of near-term climate information and services at local to regional scales where impacts are most keenly felt and on-the-ground adaptation...

Compound events (CEs) can pose significant threats to societies, economies and ecosystems around the world, especially when amplified by anthropogenic climate change (ACC). There is therefore a strong need for skilled, reliable and actionable predictions of how CEs are expected to change in the next decades to help governments and stakeholders implement robust adaptation...

This contract will aim at carrying out the European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA). The primary policy purposes of EUCRA are:" to support the identification of adaptation-related policy priorities for the next European Commission (to be nominated in 2024)," to support the prioritization of adaptation-related investments for the following multi-annual financial framework...
