
Showing 141 - 150 results of 628

Esta actuación tiene como objetivo principal realizar los desarrollos necesarios que permitan diseñar prototipos de nuevas generaciones de procesadores y aceleradores basados en los diseños actuales de EPI. Estos desarrollos permitirán que su siguiente evolución posterior pueda fabricarse usando tecnologías que acerquen sus...

Precipitation directly affects societies and ecosystems, with extremely wet and dry conditions posing potential risks. Our ability to predict variations in precipitation on seasonal, inter-annual and decadal time scales is limited, and state-of-the-art prediction systems exhibit low skill in predicting precipitation despite substantial developments and improvements of the...

En este proyecto pretendemos utilizar el conocimiento desarrollado en BSC referente a procesadores multinúcleo basados en el juego deinstrucciones abierto RISC-V y sistemas hardware de gestión de tareas con dependencias para integrar un sistema multinúcleo deprocesadores fuera de orden capaz de adaptarse por hardware a las características de la...

Forest fires caused over 54 billion in economic losses in Europe between 2000 and 2017. Spain is one of Europe s most impacted countries with 219 large fires between 2011 and 2020 and damages worth 525 million. These numbers are inevitably bound to rise given the economic growth outlook, expected rise in population, and forecasted impact of climate change. The current...

SAFLOW proposes a combined numerical and experimental strategy to investigate the emission characteristics and combustion performance of SAF considering different blends with the reference Jet A1 fuel in fundamental facilities both at atmospheric andpressurized conditions. The scientific and technological complexity of the investigated thermal and fluid dynamic problem,...

The CDRESM project responds to the urgent necessity of reliable science-based recommendations to inform climate policies for the coming decades. In this project, we will implement land- and ocean-based CDR techniques representations in a state-of-the-art Earth System Model.

These new implementations will be thoroughly tested to assess their...

The GLObal digital twin for RegIonal and local climate Adaptation (GLORIA) proposal is motivated by three challenges identified in the last few years that affect climate modelling for adaptation and mitigation:

1) climate simulations are increasingly demanded but are expensive experiments in terms of computing resources, data storage and human...

The SIMPEL project addresses the design and development of a new generation of highly efficient solid state energy storage devicesbased on Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells (SOECs) able to convert electricity into pressurized hydrogen suitable for direct injection into thegrid or tank storage. SIMPEL seeks for a product-driven optimization of shapes and ceramic processing...

En primer lugar, el consorcio quiere destacar el alto grado de integración entre los dos subproyectos. Su coordinación es estrictamente necesaria para lograr el objetivo de diseñar un HP2C-DT.

UPC y BSC han identificado la oportunidad de utilizar HPC como una tecnología habilitadora clave, especialmente para acelerar una...

The potential of precision medicine is tremendous in the transition towards future digital healthcare system. Genome data analysis is a critical component in the success of precision medicine. Sequencing and analysing the whole genome of a patient will allow developing personalised therapies, anticipating health problems and enabling preventive therapies. Intensive...
