
Showing 131 - 140 results of 409

Today's tremendous interdisciplinary effort towards building a quantum computer promises to tackle problems beyond the reach of any classical computer. Although intermediate-scale quantum computers have been recently demonstrated to exceed the capability of the most powerful supercomputers, it is widely recognized that addressing any real-world problem will require upscaling...

Interacting and successive extreme climatic events, such as droughts and floods, can trigger outbreaks of multiple infectious diseases. These compound hazards can devastate communities if risk reduction plans are not implemented to protect vulnerable populations. Recent methodological advances in climate-sensitive disease modelling have allowed the quantification of the combined impact of...

Cardiovascular diseases remain the main cause of mortality worldwide; in particular, heart failure (HF) poses complex challenges in clinical practice, as it is associated with a significant variability in aetiologies, manifestations and risks, as well as in its progression andtrajectories over time. Clinical risks of HF can vary from reduced cardiac function and regular...

The mission of the ACTRIS Data Centre is to compile, archive and provide access to well documented and traceable ACTRIS measurement data and data products, including digital tools for data quality control, analysis, visualisation, and research.

As a tool for science, the highest priorities for the ACTRIS DC are to maintain and increase the availability of ACTRIS data and data...

The ISOLDE project aims to significantly support the digital transformation of all economic and societal sectors, to speed up the transition towards a green, climate neutral and digital Europe, to strengthen the design capacity and to achieving digital autonomy EU-wide. By the end of our project, we will have high performance RISC-V processing systems and platforms at least...

Drastic decrease in transport emissions of 55% by 2030 and 90% by 2050 is required for European cities to reach climate neutrality, which is hindered by inconvenient mobility infrastructure, inadequate services and insufficient governance for short-distance travel, negatively impacting active modes safety and security.REALLOCATE's main objective is to pave the way towards...

Plastics are one of the most widely used materials, with a wide variety of applications across all sectors of the economy. Its production is estimated to be around 360 million tonnes, and thus synthetic polymer is poorly biodegradable. Plastic life cycle is responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change, plastic waste has been found in every...

The AIR project responds to Europe's aspiration for leadership and reflects the common essence and concern essential to all Europeans, indeed to everything on the planet: the air we breathe. Air is considered an environmental quality, a meeting space and a space for expression: it does not distinguish between countries or social classes. Air means sustainability, an indicator...

Mesophotic coral ecosystems are described as warm water light-dependent corals and associated communities that inhabit depths from 30 m to over 150 m in tropical and subtropical regions. These ecosystems have high ecological relevance as they can act as potential re-seeding areas for shallow ecosystems, harbor endemic and rare species, and provide suitable habitats to support...

After decades of development and a Nobel prize, Molecular Dynamics (MD) has reached maturity. It is no longer an exotic technique used by a small group of theoreticians but rather a method extensively used by a very large community of users. Millions of supercomputer hours are devoted to collecting trajectories, thus producing a deluge of simulation data that the community is...
