
Showing 381 - 390 results of 409

The MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform (MEEP) is a flexible FPGA-based emulation platform that will explore hardware/software co-designs for Exascale Supercomputers and other hardware targets, based on European-developed IP. MEEP provides two very important functions:

  • An evaluation platform of pre-silicon IP and ideas, at speed and scale and
  • A...

Liver cirrhosis is a very common and severe chronic disease, responsible for high morbidity, impaired quality of life, major healthcare costs, and poor survival, causing an estimated 170,000 deaths per year in Europe. Liver cirrhosis is preceded by a long period of slowly developing,asymptomatic, liver fibrosis; most commonly caused by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease...

Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems (MCCPS) deployed in critical domains like automotive and railway are starting to use Over The AirSoftware Updates (OTASU) for functionality improvement, bug fixing, and solving security vulnerabilities (among others). But, OTASU entailsseveral difficulties:

1) Safety including non-functional properties like...

Complex, dependable and physically-entangled systems of systems must be supported by innovations to allow for a significant reduction of the cost and complexity of system design targeting computing platforms composed of parallel heterogeneous architectures.

Software development is one key challenge, as current programming tools do not fully support...

SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled with the consolidation of a cross-disciplinary European research community, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society. SoBigData++ is set to advance on...

AQ-WATCH will develop a supply chain leading to the generation of seven downstream products and services that are innovative for improving air quality forecasts and attribution. These prototypes will be based on existing space and in situ observations of air quality and tailored to the identified needs of international users. The project will allow for the first time small...

TransBioNet was created in 2018 as part of the mission of the Spanish National Bioinformatics Institute (INB) to increase the translational impact of its activities in the Spanish National Health System (SNS). TransBioNet was born as an initiative open to all bioinformatics units and groups that develop their activity in hospital environments. Initially, the network was...

MASTECS will bring innovative and exploitable technology for multicore processor timing analysis (MTA) to the market. It will be used by critical embedded software industries (focusing on automotive and avionics) to support advanced software functions (such as autonomous driving), which are competitive factors in every new product.

MASTECS will enable...

Existing HW/SW platforms for safety-critical systems suffer from limited performance and/or from lack flexibility due to building on specific proprietary components, which jeopardize their wide deployment across domains. While some research attempts have been done to overcome some of these limitations, their degree of success has been low due to missing flexibility and...

HiPEAC is a coordination and support action (CSA) that aims to structure, connect and cross-fertilise the European academic and industrial research and innovation communities in Embedded Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems (i) by attracting members from the Cyber-PhysicalSystems community, industry and innovation community, (ii) by organising quarterly networking activities...
