
Showing 511 - 520 results of 627

The main target of the Mont-Blanc 3 project "European Scalable and power efficient HPC platform based on low-power embedded technology" is the creation of a new high-end HPC platform (SoC and node) that is able to deliver a new level of performance / energy ratio whilst executing real applications.

The technical objectives are:

This project addresses the problem of programming model design and implementation for the Exascale. The first Exascale computers will be very highly parallel systems, consisting of a hierarchy of architectural levels. To program such systems effectively and portably, programming APIs with efficient and robust implementations must be ready in the appropriate timescale. A...

The overall objective of the Next Generation I/O Project (NEXTGenIO) is to design and prototype a new, scalable, high-performance, energy efficient computing platform designed to address the challenge of delivering scalable I/O performance to applications at the Exascale. It will achieve this using highly innovative, non-volatile, dual in-line memory modules (NV-DIMMs). These...

The aim of the present proposal is to establish an Energy Oriented Centre of Excellence for computing applications (EoCoE). EoCoE will use the prodigious potential offered by the ever-growing computing infrastructureto foster and accelerate the European transition to a reliable and low carbon energy supply.

To achieve this goal, we believe that the...

High Performance Computing is becoming a fundamental tool for the progress of science and engineering and as such for economic competitiveness. The growing complexity of parallel computers is leading to a situation where code owners and users are not aware of the detailed issues affecting the performance of their applications. The result is often an inefficient use of the...

CAMS is providing operational services, which requires a regular and guaranteed delivery of validation reports. In the current MACC-VAL project all partners are individually responsible for the download and processing of the model fields, the generation of the validation plots and maintenance of the verification websites. During CAMS-84 we will progressively migrate to a...

The life sciences are undergoing a transformation. Modern experimental tools study the molecules, reactions, and organisation of life in unprecedented detail. The precipitous drop in costs for high-throughput biology has enabled European research laboratories to produce an everincreasing amount of data.

Life scientists are rapidly generating the most...

Europe has built momentum in becoming a leader in large parts of the HPC ecosystem. It has brought together technical and business stakeholders from application developers via system software to exascale systems. Despite such gains, excellence in high performance computing systems is often fragmented and opportunities for synergy missed. To compete internationally, Europe...

Materials are crucial for scientific and technological advances, industrial competitiveness and for tackling key societal challenges - from energy and environment to health care, information and communications, manufacturing, safety and transportation. The current accuracy and predictive power of materials' simulations allows a paradigm shift for computational design and...

ESiWACE will substantially improve efficiency and productivity of numerical weather and climate simulation on high-performance computing platforms by supporting the end-to-end workflow of global Earth system modelling in HPC environment. This will be obtained by improving and supporting the: (1) scalability of models, tools and data management on state-of-the-art...
