There is a clear and urgent need to deepen our understanding on the occurrence and the cascading effects of droughts. This project considers seasonal climate predictions in the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) that are projected to move towards a drier climate (Vicente-Serrano et al. 2014, Donelly et al. 2017). Using the Iberian peninsula as a case study provides an...
El Barcelona Supercomputing Center-Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC-CNS) es un consorcio entre la Administración General del Estado y la Generalitat de Cataluña adscrito a la Administración General del Estado y gestionado como el resto de los Consorcios de Investigación por la Dirección General de Planificación de la...
The Propulsion Technologies Group is focused on the generation of advanced simulation software that conducts high-level research in energy conversion systems. The key activities of the group are focused on the development of emissions models for aeroengines, and hydrogen-based technologies for aircraft propulsion, including disruptive concepts based on dual-fuel and...
El projecte El Català i la IA (ECIA) té com objectiu generar els recursos lingüístics necessaris per al català, que permetin i facilitin desenvolupar aplicacions en llenguatge natural com chat bots, traductors automàtics, aplicacions d extracció d informació o resum automàtics, etc. La tecnologia de la llengua ha...
El programa té per objectiu contribuir a situar Barcelona a l'epicentre europeu de la discussió sobre l'impacte de la ciència i la tecnologia a la societat, i contribuir a la reflexió al voltant dels principis de l'Agenda 2030 de sostenibilitat.
We are devoted to the development of computational algorithms for LifeScience, using molecular modelling techniques, bioinformatics and machine learning methods.
Our molecular modeling software, PELE, is used worldwide through its public server, and commercialised through NBD since 2017, and clearly outperformed other tools in the CSAR blind...
The comparative genomics group ( ) is jointly affiliated to the Barcelona Supercomputing Centre (BSC) and the Biomedical Research Institute (IRB).
The main research interest of our group is to understand the complex relationships between genome sequences and phenotypes and how these two features evolve within and across species. We...
Prof. Dr. Natasa Przulj has made outstanding contributions to the field of network science. She is the inventor of graphlets, a methodology now utilized in many algorithms. She initiated extraction of biomedical knowledge from the wiring patterns (topology) of complex and large molecular (omic) networks. Her recent work includes designing machine learning methods, mostly...
The Transcriptomics and Functional Genomics Lab, led by Marta Melé, is interested in understanding how the information encoded in our genome determines gene expression and splicing variation across individuals and tissues. To address this, we use a combination of cutting-edge computational analyses, next generation sequencing, and high-throughput functional...
The BSC's Health Language Technology group generates AI and deep-learning based natural language processing resources, including components, annotated data/protocols. It also defines evaluation scenarios to assess and monitor the quality of implementations by the global research community through high impact open data benchmark shared tasks (BioCreative/IberLEF/CLEF). Our...