La Xarxa es constitueix dins del marc de l'estratègia de recerca i innovació per a l'especialització intel·ligent de Catalunya (RIS3CAT), impulsada per l'Acord del Govern de 7 de juny de 2016 on es proposa la creació d una Xarxa de Referència en R+D+I liderada pel Centre de Recerca Biomèdica (CREB) de la Universitat...
EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) joins 79 partners to deploy a pan-European digital federated infrastructure of FAIR cancer-related de-identified images from Real-World. The infrastructure is designed to preserve the data sovereignty of providers and provide a platform, including an Atlas of Cancer Images, for the development and benchmarking of AI tools towards...
La excelencia científica del BSC queda patente con sus 1542 publicaciones en el periodo 2017-21, con casi 24.000 citas, y una tasa de éxitosobresaliente en el programa Horizon2020 de la UE, con la tercera tasa más alta de retorno de España, más de 200 proyectos aprobados, 25 coordinados y una financiación total de 124ME. El liderazgo...
CASTIEL 2 will continue the mission of the CASTIEL H2020 project to coordinate and support the National Competence Centre initiative and in addition will now coordinate and support the Centres of Excellence in HPC. The activities of CASTIEL 2 will coordinate and support the NCC and CoE activities at the European level, and foster collaborations between NCCs and CoEs (and...
To underpin the regular use of integrated economic and health modelling in impact assessments and socio-economic analysis by public authorities, the MARCHES project aims to advance methodological rigour and consistency in accounting for the welfare economic health costs of air pollution and drinking water nitrate, based on systematic reviews of health effects, and by...
EDITO-Model Lab will prepare the next generation of ocean models, complementary to Copernicus Marine Service to be integrated into the EU public infrastructure of the European Digital Twin Ocean (EDITO) that will ensure access to required input and validation data (from EMODnet, EuroGOOS, ECMWF, Copernicus Services and Sentinels satellite observations) and to high-performance...
Monitoring the composition of the atmosphere is a key objective of the European Union's flagship Space programme, Copernicus. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides free and continuous data and information on atmospheric composition and the CAMS Service Evolution (CAMEO) project will enhance the quality and efficiency of the CAMS service and help CAMS to...
To support EU countries in assessing their progress for reaching their targets agreed in the Paris Agreement, the European Commission has clearly stated that an objective way to monitor anthropogenic CO2 emissions is needed. Such a capacity will deliver consistent and reliable information to support policy- and decision-making processes. To maintain Europe's independence in...
The Copernicus Climate Change Service Evolution (CERISE) project aims to enhance the quality of the C3S reanalysis and seasonal forecast portfolio with a focus on land-atmosphere coupling. It will support the evolution of C3S by improving the C3S climate reanalysis and seasonal prediction systems and products towards enhanced integrity and coherence of the C3S Earth system...