
Showing 391 - 400 results of 409

The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) has a critical role to ensure that the service meets the needs of a range of users for high-quality data and information on near- to medium- to long-term climate change. The ITT that this proposal addresses asks for recommendations on robust definition and adoption of methods for post-processing of forecast data and case studies to...

Climate change communication to the public sphere is crucial to raise awareness and motivate climateaction. Yet, balanced climate narratives are difficult. The challenge lies in the complexity of the topic itself, usually oscillating between robust evidence-based messages with low impact and emotionallypowerfulbut hyped stories. This offer proposes an application that...

The DeepLIM study has two technical goals:

  • understanding, developing and exploiting the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence to improve and augment datasets acquired via observation campaigns, or generated by computationally intensive models.
  • improving the state of the art models that are in use to perform Inversion Modelling with the use of Deep...

The De-RISC project addresses computer systems within the space and aviation domains. De-RISC Dependable Real-time Infrastructure for Safety-critical Computer is a proposed project where an international consortium will introduce a hardware and software platform based aroundthe RISC-V ISA. The work proposed in this project is to productize a multi-core RISC-V system-on-chip...

Seismic Shake-e is a user-friendly app to process, analyse, and communicate both seismic data (seismic records) and diverse results related to earthquakes. The objective of the app is to contribute to increasing the seismic resilience of both people and urban areas.

The IOTWINS project will deliver large-scale industrial test-beds that leverage and combine data related to  manufacturing and facility management optimization domains that come from diverse sources, such as data APIs, historical data, embedded sensors, and Open Data sources.The goal is to build a reference architecture for the development and deployment of distributed...

Abstract in Spanish:

El proyecto PIXIL es un esfuerzo de colaboración científico-tecnológica transfronterizo y multidisciplinar, con el objetivo de desarrollar las herramientas más punteras para analizar el subsuelo terrestre, con especial interés en favorecer el crecimiento de la energía...

TranSYS will recruit 15 ESRs to highly skilled jobs in the new area of Systems Health developing tools and approaches to exploit large and complex datasets, to advance Precision (Personalised) Medicine in several disease areas. The training programme and experience of different international research environments cuts across traditional data and life sciences silos. The...

L'agrupació en tecnologies emergents "Designing RISC-V-based Accelerators for next generation computers" (DRAC) disenyarà, verificarà, implementarà i fabricarà un processador de propòsit general d¿altes prestacions on s'incorporaran diferents acceleradors basats en la tecnologia RISC-V, i amb aplicacions específiques en...

High performance computing (HPC) has transformed scientific research across numerous disciplines by supportingtheory and experiments with numerical simulations. Exascale computing is the next milestone in HPC and is called to play an important role in economic competitiveness, societal challenges and science leadership. Combustion isone of the fields with high strategic...
