
Showing 621 - 627 results of 627

Because of its apparent strengths in providing access to distributed resources, and coordinating their activities towards an overall objective, Grid computing has considerable potential to contribute substantially to the competitiveness of both commercial and non-commercial organisations. At the time of the BREIN project launch, most current Grid solutions were still not able...

The costs for ICT infrastructures has increased tremendously as a result of "one-application-one-platform" style deployment. This has resulted in ICT infrastructures with extremely low system utilization and wasted resources. Examples can be found in virtually all areas of modern societies: At the time of this project, a relevant study of six corporate data centers reported...

The overall objective of the XtreemOS project was the design, implementation, evaluation and distribution of an open source Grid operating system (named XtreemOS) with native support for virtual organizations (VO) and capable of running on a wide range of underlying platforms, from clusters to mobiles.

The approach proposed in this project was to...

The main aim of this project was to extend DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications), an existing FP6 I3 Grid empowered research infrastructure. Rather than being a new I3 initiative, eDEISA should therefore be understood in the context of the existing DEISA supercomputing grid research infrastructure.


The main objective of the Business Experiments in Grid (BEinGRID) project was to foster the adoption of the so-called Next Generation Grid technologies by carrying out business experiments and creating a toolset repository of Grid middleware upper layers.

The focus of BEinGRID was a series of targeted business experiment pilots designed to implement...

SARC was an integrated project concerned with long term research in advanced computer architecture. It focused on a systematic scalable approach to systems design ranging from small energy critical embedded systems right up to large scale networked data servers. It came at a stage where, for the first time, we were unable to increase clock frequency at the same rate as we...

DEISA (Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications) brought together a consortium of leading national supercomputing centres aiming to support pan-European, world-class computer-science research.

The aim of the first phase of the DEISA project, funded under the European Commission's FP6 programme, was to implement and operate a...
