
Showing 381 - 390 results of 600

The ability to use geothermal resources to generate heat in urban areas where the demand is greatest has the potential to significantly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and to support sustainable energy policies. Potential deep geothermal resources in challenging, lower-enthalpy EU settings remain poorly understood and largely untapped.


The current HPC facilities will need to grow by an order of magnitude in the next few years to reach the Exascale range. The dedicated middleware needed to manage the enormous complexity of future HPC centers, where deep heterogeneity isneeded to handle the wide variety of applications within reasonable power budgets, will be one of the most critical aspects in the evolution...

Europe has made significant progress in becoming a leader in large parts of the HPC ecosystem: from industrial and scientific applicationproviders via system software to Exascale systems, bringing together technical and business stakeholders. Despite such gains, excellence inresearch in high performance computing systems is fragmented across Europe and opportunities for...

SOLWATT targets to significantly reduce the water used by CSP plants (by 35% for wet cooled & by 90% for dry cooled). The project proposes to demonstrate the efficiency of innovations on solar field cleaning, power-block cooling, waterrecycling system, and plant operation strategy. Among these are solutions to reduce solar field water cleaning needs, anoperation and...

LANDSUPPORT seeks to construct a web-based smart geoSpatial Decision Support System (S-DSS) that will provide a powerful set of tools devoted to

  • supporting sustainable agriculture/forestry;
  • evaluating the trade-off between land uses (including spatial planning); and
  • contributing to the implementation, impact and delivery of about 20 European...

The biggest challenge in understanding the brain is being able to understand how its different levels of organisation relate to each other,hierarchically, spatially and temporally. This means identifying how genetic, molecular and cellular principles of organisation are translated intobrain activity, cognition and behaviour. It also involves deciphering how behaviour, disease...

As a result of HBP SGA-1, the Qbeast framework enables to achieve the concept of interactive supercomputing and in-situ techniques to break traditional workflows in HPC simulations, converting them into more dynamic and adaptive to the needs of scientists. As a long term project, the HBP does not include in its current work plan the exploitation of such relatively small...

El objetivo general del proyecto es promover la colaboración en I+d+i, estimular el aprendizaje mutuo y fomentar la innovación en la atención integrada del ictus, gracias a la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías de análisis de datos y la creación de una red permanente que brinde a todos los stakeholders involucrados en las...

En el marc de les convocatòries d'ajuts per contractar personal investigador novell (FI), les persones beneficiaries són les vinculades a les següents beques:

  • 2018FI_B 00873
  • 2019FI_B 01274
  • 2019FI_B 00831
  • 2019FI_B 00154
  • 2020FI_B 00539
  • 2020FI_B 00678
  • 2020FI_B...

The European Processor Initiative (EPI) will mobilise the continent's High Performance Computing (HPC) ecosystem to develop new low-power processors for HPC and embedded systems. The aim is to use the results in the world-class exascale platforms that the EU is planning for 2022 and 2023.

EPI will follow a co-design approach through a partnership...
