Register to the BSC Doctoral Symposium 2025

If you have any questions or technical problems while filling out the abstract submission form, send an email to education [at] bsc [dot] es.
1. Personal Information
Please enter your personal details in this section. Some information (e.g. age, gender) are collected only for statistical purposes in understanding the demographics of our attendees and for reporting. They will NOT be used in any selection process for attendees. Your personal details will not be passed onto third parties.
Please use your institutional email address.
This information is only collected to generate summary statistics for reporting.
2. Education Background
Name of institution/organisation where you are currently studying/working.
Country of where you are currently studying/working.
E.g. Prof Joanna Smith or Dr John Smith
Please give the supervisor’s institutional e-mail address.
3. Event related
4. For consideration for outstanding presentation awards, expert reviewers will evaluate talks and posters according to a rubric . Do you agree to receive this kind of evaluation and feedback about your presentation at the Doctoral Symposium?
5. Please upload the Extended Abstract as a PDF file
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.
(separated by a comma. At least 2, up to 5 i.e.: hpc, ai, ...)