Its modular design allows flexibility in defining the required post-processing steps, as well as the products definition by deciding on the forecast system and reference datasets, variables, and forecast horizon among others. The tool also allows for the creation and visualization of climate forecast products, such as maps for the most likely terciles, and performs the verification of the products, which can be visualized on maps and scorecards. The inclusion of a launcher script provides a user-friendly way to parallelize the computation on HPC machines.
SUNSET (SUbseasoNal to decadal climate forecast post-processing and asSEssmenT suite) is a collaborative R-based tool developed in-house at BSC-ES that aims to provide climate services for sub-seasonal, seasonal and decadal climate forecast time scales. The tool post-processes climate forecast outputs by applying state-of-the-art methodologies to tailor climate products for each application and sector (e.g.: agriculture, energy, water management, or health).

GPL License (Version 3.0)