BSC-CNS Newsletter September 2017

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Newsletter
NEWSLETTER September 2017

Comparing the algorithms that search for cancer mutations

The study, published in Nature Methods, reviews, classifies and describes the strengths and weaknesses of more than 20 algorithms developed by independent research groups. The evaluation of cancer genome analysis methods is a key activity for the selection of the most adequate strategies to be integrated in the BSC’s personalized medicine platform.

New computational method enhances our understanding of the human epigenome

A team of scientists from different institutions led by the BSC researcher Alfonso Valencia and by the Newcastle University researcher Daniel Rico has developed a method to detect the epigenome areas where the changes that give rise to cellular diversity originate. These changes are also related to the cancer origin and development.

Mateo Valero awarded honorary doctorate by CINVESTAV, México

The ceremony took place at 12pm on Monday, 11 September in the Auditorio Arturo Rosenblueth, Mexico City. The doctorate was awarded in recognition of Dr. Valero’s excellent work in all aspects of supercomputing development and research, in particular his collaboration in driving forward supercomputing in Mexico.

BSC and the Barcelona City Council join forces to develop projects for a Digital City

The alliance will evolve around those work areas related to the municipal strategy, such as city digitalization, air quality in urban environments or the contribution of technology in urban mobility. The use of simulation models, both in city traffic and pollution, has to enable a better definition of public environmental and mobility policies.

BSC and Mexico City to develop tools for the evaluation of policies against air pollution

The Secretary for Environment of Mexico City (SEDEMA), Tanya Müller, and the Director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Mateo Valero, have signed a collaboration agreement to develop modelling tools that will allow to evaluate both management and quality air improvement policies in the city.

BSC and Aigües de Barcelona to collaborate in the development of advanced solutions in data analysis for the water sector

Mateo Valero and the Director for Innovation and Knowledge of Aigües de Barcelona Maria Monzó have signed a collaboration agreement whereby the BSC will contribute with its know-how in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence tools applied to the water home supply.

BSC collaborates with the Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation to make browseable Catalan health system indicators

This collaboration will be carried out through the new group of Social Link Analytics of the Life Sciences Department, taking advantage of its ample experience in the use of computer engineering and supercomputing for the analysis and data visualization in the Big Data field.

BSC hosts ACM Europe Conference 2017 and EXDCI Final Event

On September 7-8th BSC has hosted both the Annual ACM Europe Conference 2017 and the co-located EXDCI Final event. With over 250 attendees, Barcelona has gathered HPC academia and industry, students and ACM members worldwide. The two main themes of this year ACM conference have been Cybersecurity and HPC.

Coming up
26 SEP 2017 PATC Systems Workshop: Programming MareNostrum 4 Location: Location: Campus Nord, Vertex building. Room VS208, Barcelona
28 SEP 2017 11th RES Users' Meeting & 6th HPC Advisory Council Conference Location: Location: Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA) & Instituto de Investigaciones Agrícolas de Galicia (CSIC), Santiago de Compostela.
01 OCT 2017 Postgraduate Diploma in Big Data Management and Analytics Location: Location: Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB), Barcelona
23 OCT 2017 PATC: Parallel Programming Workshop Location: Location: Campus Nord, Barcelona
12 NOV 2017 SC17 Location: Location: Colorado Convention Center Denver, Colorado, US
29 NOV 2017 PATC: Earth Sciences Simulation Environments Location: Location: Campus Nord, Barcelona
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