Severo Ochoa Research Seminar Lectures at BSC

Date: 26/Sep/2015 Time: 09:00


All the lectures are held in the BarcelonaTech campus.
For specific details on the individual lectures, please see the agenda above and look for the right building in the map below.

Primary tabs

2015 - 16 Severo Ochoa Research Seminar Lectures

Date - Time Place Lecture Title  Speaker Organisation
10/09 - 11 am Sala d’Actes FIB Opening Session: Exploring Emerging Technologies for Extreme Scale HPC Architectures
Jeffrey S. Vetter ORNL and Georgia Tech
18/09 -12am Sala d’Actes FIB Kernel and user level execution trace analysis for multi-core distributed Linux systems Michel Dagenais Polytechnique Montréal
23/09 -11am Sala d’Actes FIB Learning by Redundancy: Climate Multi-Model Ensembles and Machine Learning Matteo De Felice Climate Modelling laboratory, ENEA, Italy
14/10 - 11am Sala d’Actes FIB Jointly organised by BSC and DAC
Datacenter Computers: modern challenges in CPU design
Richard L. Sites Google, Inc.
05/11 -
12 pm
Sala Juntes, Rectorat Simulating extreme hydro-meteorological events with DRIHM(2US) services Antonio Parodi CIMA Foundation
06/11-11am Sala d’Actes FIB A New Role of Ontologies and Advanced Scientific Visualization in Big Data analytics
Svetlana Chuprina Perm State University
11/12-10am Building C6, room E101 The route towards the ultimate network topology
German Rodriguez IBM Zurich Research
15/12-11:30 am

Building C6,
room E106

Christmas Lecture: Adaptive, Efficient, Parallel Execution of Parallel Programs
Guri Sohi  University of Wisconsin-Madison
17/12-11:00 am

Sala d’Actes FIB

Simple, Efficient, and Scalable Cache Coherence
Alberto Ros University of Murcia
16/03-11:30 am Sala d’Actes FIB Towards Real-Time CFD Simulation of In-Flight Icing Wagdi G. Habashi McGill University
31/03- 11:00 am Sala d'Actes FIB Semantically Ordered Parallel Execution of Multiprocessor Programs Guri Sohi University of Wisconsin-Madison
01/04. 12:00 pm Sala d'Actes FIB The Fourth Paradigm - Data-Intensive Scientific Discovery and Open Science Tony Hey Science and Technology Facilities Council.
27/04. 11:00 am Building C6, room  E-106 Advances in GPU architecture for deep learning and scientific computing
Frédéric Parienté NVIDIA
13/05. 13:00 Sala d'Actes FIB

Semantic Systems and Visual Tools to Analyze Climate Change Communication

Arno Scharl MODUL University, Vienna
23/05. 11:00 Aula Master, UPC
A3 on the campus map

2 Lectures on Deep Learning

Joan Bruna

Oriol Vinyals
(UC Berkeley)

(Google DeepMind)
14/06. 11:00 Sala d'Actes FIB

Large-Scale Machine Learning in Cancer and Brain Research: New Applications That Will Drive Future Supercomputing Systems

Rick L. Stevens Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago