QUSTom Training: Simulation-based ultrasound imaging algorithms

Date: 10/Oct/2023 Time: 09:30

Online via Zoom

Cost: Cost: There is no registration fee. The course is free of charge.

Primary tabs

9:30-10:20 Ultrasound tomography: system setup, imaging principle and challenges for ultrasound modeling (Torsten Hopp, KIT)
10:20-11:10 Modelling and optimization with Stride (Oscar Bates, Imperial College London)
11:10-11:25 Break
11:25-12:15 Pseudospectral methods for ultrasound modelling (Carlos Spa, BSC)
12:15-13:05 Cloud-based full-waveform inversion (Juan E. Rodriguez, FrontWave)
13:05-13:15 Final remarks/discussion