The RISCV Net is created to boost the development of open source hardware

04 February 2020

Formed by 14 research groups from all over Spain (the BSC among them) and coordinated by the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB-CNM) of the CSIC, it will stimulate research, training and cooperation with companies around open hardware.

It will promote the development of processor architectures based on an open, reduced, standard and modular ISA machine language, the projection of which can be as disruptive as the emergence of the open source Linux operating system in the field of software was once.

The objective is to win in technological independence, reduce monopoly risks and facilitate the development of new applications, as well as market competition.

On February 5 and 6, the first days of this network are held and Mateo Valero participates with the talk “RISC-V and open hardware: an opportunity and a challenge for the EU”.

Further information in the Spanish or Catalan version.