The 13th Users Conference of the Spanish Supercomputing Network takes place on September 18 and 19.
The RES Awards for the best poster, scientific article and career are called for the first time
More than 200 experts in supercomputing, coming from disciplines such as astronomy, molecular biology, chemistry and earth sciences (all of them users of supercomputing in Spain) meet on September 18 and 19 in Zaragoza. It will be in the Patio de la Infanta where the 13th Users Conference of the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) will take place, in which the latest scientific results of different disciplines using the RES supercomputing resources will be presented, as well as recent research in supercomputing.
The RES makes available to the scientific community, free of charge, the supercomputing resources and technical assistance necessary to carry out its research projects. During 2018, more than 320 million hours of computing (CPU) were granted in the 12 supercomputers that are part of the network.
On this occasion, the researcher in charge of the Scientific Keynote Lecture is Natasa Prulj (ICREA, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, BSC), a world expert in computing biological data.
The Technical Keynote Lecture is in charge of María S. Pérez (Polytechnic University of Madrid, UPM), member of the Advisory Group of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, the European strategy for the future of supercomputing in Europe.
The director of BSC, Mateo Valero, will also participate in the conference offering a talk on the European processor project.
The meeting has the participation of many other Spanish and foreign researchers who will talk about matters of great scientific relevance such as the situation of the Sun's atmosphere, or issues of nanometric scale such as the structure of key enzymes in diabetes.
Practical workshops have also been organized in PyCOMPSs programming and in the preparation of the Data Management Plan for researchers with storage and data management needs generated in their projects.
RES Awards
For the first time, the RES announces, on the occasion of its annual user meeting, the RES Awards that have 3 different categories:
- RES AWARD TO THE BEST POSTER. To recognize the poster of the highest scientific or technical quality that is presented during the conference. The content of the poster work must have been done using the supercomputing resources made available by the RES for the scientific community.
- RES AWARD TO THE BEST SCIENTIFIC PAPER. To recognize the scientific paper with the greatest scientific impact published during the last three years. The content of the article must have been made using the supercomputing resources made available by the RES for the scientific community.
- RES AWARD TO THE SCIENTIFIC AND / OR PROFESSIONAL TRAJECTORY IN SUPERCOMPUTING IN SPAIN. To recognize the most outstanding contribution over the years to supercomputing in Spain. It recognizes a scientific, technological or promotional trajectory of supercomputing of the singular type. It can be granted to a person or institution.
The opening of the conference will be carried out by the Deputy Director General of Large Scientific-Technical Facilities of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, José Ignacio Doncel, the coordinator of the RES and director of operations of BSC, Sergi Girona, the Councilor of Science, Universities and Knowledge Society of the Government of Aragón, María Eugenia Díaz Calvo, and the Rector of the University of Zaragoza, José Antonio Mayoral.
The conference is sponsored by IBM, Fujitsu and Hewlett Packard Enterprise that will present their most advanced proposals in the field of supercomputing.
More information on the event website:
The Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) is a distributed infrastructure involving the interconnexion of 12 supercomputers which work together to offer High Performance Computing resources to the scientific community. It is coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
The RES is a Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructure (ICTS) distributed throughout Spain, which aims to support the development of top-quality cutting-edge research.
The RES is coordinated by Sergi Girona, Operations director of BSC.
Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) is the national supercomputing centre in Spain. BSC specialises in high performance computing (HPC) and its mission is two-fold: to provide infrastructure and supercomputing services to European scientists, and to generate knowledge and technology to transfer to business and society.
BSC is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence and a first level hosting member of the European research infrastructure PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe). BSC also manages the Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES). Mateo Valero is the BSC Director.
In Zaragoza, the RES is represented by the Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza. The BIFI was founded in 2002 as part of a collective effort oriented towards research in basic science and the development of new concepts, methods and tools of the Science of Complex Systems with applications in different scientific fields such as: Biochemistry, Physics, Biology, Computing, Mathematics, Citizen Science, etc. The Institute is funded by the Government of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza. The director of BIFI is Yamir Moreno.