Àngels Chacón has been accompanied by the Secretary of Universities and Research and by the General Director of Research of the Generalitat.
The Catalan Minister of Business and Knowledge, Àngels Chacón, has visited the MareNostrum supercomputer today accompanied by the Secretary of Universities and Research, Francesc Xavier Grau, and by the General Director of Research, Joan Gómez Pallarès. The director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC), Mateo Valero, the associate director, Josep M. Martorell, and Enric Banda, BSC advisor, have informed them about the center and the research that is carried out.
Once the presentation was made, the delegation took the opportunity to visit the works of the new corporate building of the BSC.
Once the presentation was made, the delegation took the opportunity to visit the works of the new corporate building of the BSC.