The 2019 ACM Europe Summer School on “HPC Computer Architectures for AI and Dedicated Applications” will take place in Barcelona 17 - 24 July 2019, and is hosted by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC-BarcelonaTECH). The summer school is organized by the ACM Europe Council, ACM's Special Interest Group on High Performance Computing (SIGHPC) , is the primary sponsor.
The school will have the participation of renowned researchers:
Prof. Silvio Micali, ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate and MIT Professor, will give a keynote lecture. Dr. Lucilla Sioli, EU Commission Director for Digital Industry and AI, will be present at the school. Prof. Natasa Milic-Frayling, University of Nottingham UK, will address collaboration and diversity issues in a special dedicated session. Dr. Ing. Gerhard Schimpf, former chair of the ACM Europe Council Committee of European Chapter Leaders, will present the ACM Being-Human with Algorithms initiative and the student chapter activity in Europe.
The school chairpersons are Mateo Valero, BSC Director, and Josep Fernandez, CS Dean, Facultat d’Informatica de Barcelona. And the local organizing committee is led by Eduard Ayguadé, the associated director of Computer Sciences department and Fabrizio Gagliardi, BSC Senior Strategy Advisor and Chair of EUACM, ACM’s European policy committee.
Fabrizio Gabliardi states that the summer school “will be an extraordinary opportunity for our best young researchers, engineers and students to spend a full week together with some of the most prestigious researchers in the field including a Turing award laureate. They will divide their time between formal lectures and practical exercises and they will also enjoy a good social programme in the beautiful Barcelona summer”.
Eduard Ayguadé highlights: “With no doubt the topic of the 2019 ACM EUROPE Summer School is highly appealing; dedicated applications, and specially Artificial Intelligence, need new approaches in high-performance architecture to reach their high computational requirements.”
The topics will be addressed by exceptional professors and researchers in Europe: Prof. Per Stenström (Chalmers University, ACM Fellow), Prof. Uri Weiser (ACM – IEEE CS Eckert-Mauchly Award recipient, ACM Fellow), Prof. Luca Benini (ETH Zürich, University of Bologna, ACM Fellow), Prof. Mauro Olivieri (University of Rome), Prof. Jesús Labarta (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ACM – IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award recipient) and Prof. David Carrera (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and Barcelona Supercomputing Center, ERC grantee).
Online application here. (The deadline for applying is 1st of May 2019, End of Day, Anywhere on Earth (AoE), UTC -12 hours.)
Further information here.
You can see the promotional video here.
About the ACM Europe Council
The ACM Europe Council aims to increase the level and visibility of ACM activities across Europe. The Council is comprised of European computer scientists committed to fostering the visibility and relevance of ACM in Europe, and is focused on a wide range of European ACM activities, from high-quality ACM conferences in Europe, to expanding ACM chapters, to encouraging greater participation of Europeans in all dimensions of ACM.