Mateo Valero, Doctor Honoris Causa of the University Cristóbal Colon, in Mexico
AINA project goes on tour through Catalan-speaking territories to add voices from all dialectal variants
Minister of Science and Innovation visits BSC
The ChEESE project creates exascale-compatible services that will support geohazard risk mitigation
BSC researcher Antonio J. Peña, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for the “HomE” project
BSC leads a project to co-develop climate services with Arctic communities
The entrepreneurial potential of BSC spin-offs, presented at the Transfiere 2022 Forum
The GCAT|Planel is the first complete genetic map of the Iberian population that helps to identify possible genetic causes of common diseases
MASTECS develops the first certification-ready multicore timing analysis solution
The cookies of the million most visited websites produce more than 11,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions per month